Communication Patterns Around The World
Source: Richard Lewis / BI
Thoughts on marketing, startups, tech, people, arts and 'all of that jiving around'.
a lot of the magic i’ve observed in teams over the years happens when the talent stack is collapsed - when a designer also codes, when an engineer has a growth hack skill set, when a product leader is great at copy.
— Scott Belsky (@scottbelsky) October 20, 2018
@rachelmercer slides on why strategy sucks (in ad agencies) and how to make it better.
Marketing is a lot of things. Sometimes, it can be about promoting your business or product. That’s the advertising part. But that should not represent a big part of your focus as a marketer. Most of the time, marketing is about figuring out what people need, and how to build and deliver that at a reasonable price, so you stay in business and people get value from whatever you offer. That part is much less fun because it requires much more empathy and humbleness than the other part.
Charles Schwab, the discount-investing giant, has been focusing that part of marketing in past decade to turn around its business. You can read all about it in this great Bloomberg profile.
Here are two quotes that stand out from the article:
I know this sounds like a lot of corporate cool aid. It might be. But it’s a good reminder to simply focus on your clients, and build around their needs and frustrations. You’re smart. But not to the point of being able to read into people’s mind. Get out of the office, talk to people who buy your stuff, and find ways to make your stuff even better. It’s not that complicated.
The Concorde could cross the Atlantic in 3.5 hours. It was more than twice as fast than other options. It was beautifully designed. The food was good. People seemed to love it. But it was expensive, both for passengers and for airlines. The Concorde failed – even if it was a good idea well executed – because its business model didn’t make sense for anyone.
Overnight shipping is a logistic masterpiece that happens every single night.
The greatest shipping shortcut in the world... is in the high north of Canada.
If you work for (or with) a marketing agency or consulting firm, this deck of fifty or so slides is a required reading. My top 5 quotes:
"Any sane marketer knows that the question is not" what will change in 10 years "but" what will not change in 10 years? "
"Do not say that you have a mindset startup, when you're wearing the same heavy astronaut clothing you used the last two decades."
"Gone are the days of customer briefing, scheduler writes internal brief, waiting for a new creative review, another two weeks for revisions, and more.
"There 's a switch to asking for assets and activations - things with a finite shelf life - to systems and ecosystems - things that will be updated and tinkered with."
"It's not that simple that you do not have to do it." In this way, it's not that simple. That kind of rigid thinking, based on engineering practices, does not apply to marketing. "
H/T Julian Cole
I like to read about big construction projects (see the Brooklyn Bridge here). When you’re stuck in your daily work it makes you think bigger and broader. It revives your imagination. It makes your to-do seems relatively small compared to those big projects. And it’s always a delight to see how inventive, ingenious and in some case, ill-intentioned, our predecessors were. Here’s a short video about the Panama Canal.
Trends: what, ,when, how. And how to think about them as a company. Very nice work by @rachelmercer @nayantaradutta. On top of the great content, the deck design is very pleasant, makes me want to do key some keynote artistry!
This is Ray Dalio. He has some ideas on how to create a culture where the best ideas win. Because the best ideas should win, right? Surprisingly, he is not a Creative Director in an advertising agency. Shocker. He founded a hedge fund that grew to be one of the biggest on the planet. Wait, he is not a creative guy, he is a finance guy? Yep. I know. Some say he made a bit of money along the way. But this is not important. His biggest claim to fame is that he has a system to let the best ideas win.
And thanks to Peter Grillet, we’ve got a TL;DR version!
Michael's business worked because:
We kept costs low
We had a highly technical team
Passionate about the product
Ask yourself
How serious is your problem?
How specifically are you solving the problem for first?
Solve a problem people need to solve regularly
How easy are your customers to find?
Does your MVP actually solve the problem?
- Get users on your product early (you are not an artist)
Who are the most desperate customers, sell to them first. If it takes 10 months, they aren't desperate
Who's business is going to go out of business, without your software?
Be weary of 'customers' who are taking the piss and avoid them
Be cautious with your discounts. Use discounts for urgency but don't devalue your product / service
Super important: ensure your stats are part of the build process
Should be a sources of ideas for features and solutions
Google Analytics is not optimal, you need an events based analytics solution (Mixpanel...) as well
Pick 5-6 simple stats to track, don't overload yourself
Ensure you are tracking if people are using product or not
Maintain a clear spec that you are building that all team members can refer to
Dev cycles
Keep them short
Have a single KPI that reflects how you are doing (Money if you charge / Usage if you don't)
Ensure everyone in the company knows what the KPI is and was
Brainstorm solutions (with metrics to support / destroy ideas)
Categorise: New Features & Optimisations / Bug Features / Tests
Prioritise: Easy / Medium / Hard - Decide
which hard item with impact the KPI the most - Which Medium item... - Which Easy item...
Create the spec for each item
Distribute tasks
Meet once a week or bi-weekly, enough time to get shit done
Pivot or iterate
Give your product time be properly validated
Pivot: Changing problem or Customer
Iterate: Changing the solution
Identifying the problem is the genius
Don't be fake Steve Jobs; iterate and talk to customers
Ask a specific customer what they want and make it (if it makes sense for your KPI)
Pricing power refers to how much a change in price by a company can influence demand for one if its product. A big competitive advantage usually translates into pricing power. It’s a very useful concept if you want to test your competitiveness. You ask yourself: what happens if we raise price? Do people keep on coming? Do we lose everyone? How much better is our service or product if raising prices a little bit scare everyone.
There are different kinds of competitive advantages that gives you pricing power. Product advantage, brand advantage, distribution advantage, cost advantage, intellectual property advantage, legal advantage, etc.
Think about Supreme and how fast they sell 300$ t-shirts (brand).
Think about a remote gas station that can sell gas 3c (distribution).
Think about a Michelin star restaurant with 500$ tasting menus (product)
Think about Starbucks charing 5$ for teas (brand + distribution).
Think about a trademarked drug that sells for 45$/pill (legal).
Or think about Apple and the price of their iPhones (pretty much all advantages).
New iPhone price graph. (The stairway to heaven.) Use this to estimate where ASP is going.
— Horace Dediu (@asymco) September 13, 2018
I like to get lost on YouTube. If you're interested in online shopping, fashion, luxury, social media or simply curious if influencer marketing truly works, check this out.
For what it’s worth, I think it’s the type of ‘influencer marketing’ case studies that can be taken out of context. This is the one in a million case. This guy is a selling machine (not sure if it’s really a good thing but… just observing here). It’s in his brand / his DNA. The more he sells stuff to people, the more they like him. There’s a total fit between the category (luxury bags), the selling channel (e-commerce), the audience (high $ connected millennials who crave luxury exclusives), etc. It’s the perfect storm. It doesn’t mean your Yogurt brand will get the same results by paying a local lifestyle influencer on instagram. But there’s definitely something interesting going on here.
Few thoughts on this topic:
It's all about scale and proximity. Lots of things work REALLY well and make LOTS OF SENSE for small brands, SMEs, one-person brands, etc. The 'Customers want conversations with brands' is one of those things. It looks really good on a keynote slide over a high-res photo. But it's just not a generality. You have to unpack it.
What is a conversation? Back & forth in the comment box Facebook? People sharing your hashtag/meme? Good customer service via Twitter? A 30s video that's gone viral after 15M$ of paid media? UGC in an Instagram contest? An influencer campaign? Are we conversing?
Actual talking - human to human - is rare. And usually happens at small scale. Conversations are important for restaurants, skate shops or tattoo artists - where there are real people who benefit from the exchange - much less for a CPG brand where every bit of external communication is outsourced or automatized and never makes it back to the team.
I love this. 'Let's worry about being great now.'
Worry = implies thinking profoundly about how to improve
Being = implies you act VS you say it
Great = delivering value, truly good work you're proud of
Now = focusing on what's in front of you, around you VS shiny objects
Creative work is frustrating. And one of the most frustrating part of creative work is debating ideas. Ideas are usually developed in small groups or by yourself, in an unstructured setting. Ideas are debated in large groups in a structured setting. It's a buzz killer.
Here's a tweet that triggered these thoughts today:
Hi Everyone:
— Carissa Byrne Hessick (@CBHessick) August 10, 2018
Just a quick reminder that in-person debates are a terrible way to test the merits of ideas.
All they test is the verbal agility and rhetorical style of their participants.
A Very Successful College Debator
I think we agree. In-person debates are a terrible way to test ideas. It reminds me of a great advice one my managers at lg2 (hello Alexis!) told me once: Remember that in a small room, it's usually the loudest voice that gets heard. It's OK to be the loudest voice once in a while. What he thought me is no matter how smart your idea or point of view is, you'll have to go out there and convince other people that it's the way to go. Otherwise, you're as damaging to the team as the person shouting a bad idea. You're expected to stand up and debate your ideas. And it's incredibly annoying for introverts or people who are less confrontational.
This is a great reminder on how to get things done. I'm really bad a this stuff. So I'm posting it here as a friendly reminder.