Opening up the financial system
I started the day at Café Olympico with my friends François (we play music together) and Francis (we work together) and the conversation eventually shifted to cryptocurrencies, as they usually do when I've had too much coffee.
There's so much material to read regarding the (recent/upcoming, depends on you see things) opening of our financial system. See how I avoided the words 'Bitcoin' and 'Cryptocurrencies', this post is about that, exactly.
If you have some time and are ready to dive in, I suggest the following 3 article. The authors are 3 thought leaders in the space and they offer different perspectives.
1. A Letter to Jamie Dimon
Edit: I'm adding this in-depth article by Preston Byrne as a balance of the sheer optimism displayed in these 3 articles. A good strategist must consider both sides of a story.