To Be Coached or Not to Be Coached?
How often do you write down on paper or say out loud what you expect out of your own professional life? Probably not often. We're very vocal about lots of things. We have strong opinions on Netflix shows, music bands, politics, celebrities, the school system, the health system, technology, etc. but we can barely talk about our own professional objectives, challenges, strengths, weaknesses ambitions, and actions.
Here are two quotes from a recent article on The Information, The Coaches Behind Startup Founders. You guessed it, startup founders are increasingly working with coaches to develop themselves.
“A growing number of startup CEOs are working with coaches to develop their leadership skills. These coaches provide a mix of therapy, skills training and business advice. ”
“Coaches generally sit on a continuum: Some are former executives themselves who act more like business advisers, while others are similar to therapists who specialize in helping founders sort through mental and emotional issues.”
That's why I'm an advocate of having a coach to help you do that. Even if doing it might result in having your friends and colleagues secretly laugh at you. I don't know many serious athletes who don't have a coach. I don't know many serious professionals who don't have a coach or a mentor.
There's always a risk of a misfit. It might not work. You might hire a bad coach too. But the cost of not trying is much higher than the expected value of finding a good coach.