Writing to taste life twice
When you do something everyday, like writing or going to the gym, the inevitable will happen: you'll fall out of your routine. It just happened to me with this blog. I had a few big 12hr+ work days and thought I would catch up on the daily blog. One day became three, and three became two weeks.
But the good thing about writing is that it's a great tool to time travel. I don't mind that I've missed these days, I can get them back by writing. It makes me think of this lovely quote by writer Anais Nin.
“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”
Even if I didn't write on these days, I still had thoughts. I'm using my email outbox, my Twitter feed activity, my Facebook feed activity (likes, comments, etc.) and my calendar to go back in time and see what was happening in my mind on these days. So I wrote a list of about 15 things that happened in the past two weeks and I'll be writing about them in retrospect (while keeping up with new entries).
Because I write to taste life twice. This is not a hit or miss. I'm in control.